
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Something New, Something Blue....

I had a smile from ear to ear this morning when I checked my email to see that someone had purchased a piece from my photography section on Etsy! I listed some photos I took with my new camera wondering if they were quality enough for offering my customers, and voila (!) I got a sale :)

It sort of feels like when I first started Shorely Chic, someone had purchased a shell frame I had made and it felt so good! I couldn't wait to package her up and get her into the hands of my first customer.

Here are some pieces from my newest photography section:

{most of the photos have lots of blue, hence the title}

 Sound Sailing Series {below}

 I took this series on a sailing trip one evening in the Long Island Sound off the shores of Connecticut. It was the most beautiful night and I was surrounded by people who I love. I see the happiness of that night in these photos, and I hope you do, too!

Sorry to self-promote, but I love my new hobby and am happy I have people to share it with :)


  1. Congrats! That's so exciting. I'm thinking of opening an Etsy store but rather nervous! Love that first one!


  2. Such a beautiful blog! So gald I found you today!

  3. Beautiful photographs, Liz!! You're a natural photographer!

  4. Your photos look great! A great addition to your collections :)

  5. Oh I like these and they will surely get bought soon. I love the blue it's so calming and the water.

  6. Beautfiful photos! Geez I may have to buy one! :0) Do you sell the sail photos in black and white?

  7. Congratulations!! I totally understand your feelings...and it is so nice when someone loves what you have put together! By the way...your photographs are amazing! Take care, Caroline
