
Monday, November 22, 2010

Stopping to Smell the Ocean...

I do these posts every so often when I step outside my normal routine and realize how refreshing it is to stop and smell the ocean (yes, even in the winter). Brian and I had such a nice Sunday driving around and stopping off at the water to just take a breather and enjoy where we live. We toured Southport, CT yesterday and I fell in love. Just twenty minutes away, I had never seen the gorgeous homes and lovely scenery...

he's really good at taking our photo, so we don't have to bother anyone around us to stop and take a pic

we even got in some nice shelling

isn't the sky so pretty, it's like reflecting off the waves of the water

Being a bit stalker-ish I had to snap some pics of these homes, are they not to die for?
A stone's throw from the beach...
I wonder what the people would think if they saw me ...

this is outside the Pequot Yacht Club, where there was a sunfish race going on

loving my ring, and being engaged!!


  1. Awww..what a lovely day!!! I love the salty smell of the ocean too:):)
    Can't wait to go to Puerto Vallarta in December!
    And ... congrats on your engagement!!!!!!

  2. love the tour, so pretty. I could use some ocean air today. so nice to visit with you. love ur ring!

  3. What a fun day! Isn't being engaged the best??!! : )


  4. What a gorgeous day it was. Your shots are lovely. And isn't Southport just beautiful? I've always loved it! Your ring looks just lovely on you - I can feel your joy!!
