
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pasta Fagoili

Brian and I have been under the weather for almost a week! However one good thing that has come with this is me discovering a new recipe, which is as simple as pie! A staple of my mother passed down to her from my Italian grandmother, I finally learned how to make this delicious, easy, and economic staple!

Pasta Fagioli

Here is what you need:

1 can of cannelini beans
1 can of diced tomatoes
1 can of chicken broth
fresh basil
olive oil

*all to be cooked in a dutch oven (I'm still waiting for mine off my wedding registry so I just borrow my mom's for now!)*

Here is what you do:

Saute about three or four garlic cloves in olive oil (just enough oil to cover about half of the bottom of the pot)
Once the flavor of the garlic starts to smell, pour in the diced tomatoes, basil leaves and season with salt and pepper 
Let the juices evaporate a little through a nice boil (about 5-7 minutes)
Next, pour in the can of chicken broth and the beans
Let the mixture simmer for about 10-15 minutes and viola!! 

Oh yes, I forgot to tell you to cook the pasta on the side and never mix it into the soup until you are going to serve it because there is nothing worse than soggy, over-cooked pasta. 

Yes, my vintage plates - my first set I HAD to have when I was in my teens, who thinks about tabletop in their teens? Me. My mom and I found then in a thrify shop in Palm Beach, and I was so in love I bought the whole set and an extra suitcase to take the home for the day I would have my first apartment.
 I will part with it once I get my new set off the registry (I hope I can!)



  1. I am sOOOOOO making this! does sounds so simple. Thanks for sharing, hope you and B are feeling better.

  2. Hi, glad to have found your blog. I'll be back to visit.

  3. I just made this soup for the first time this past husband found it delicious. I will have to give your recipe a try! How much fun are you having planning your wedding?

  4. Sounds delicious!! And super simple to make:)

  5. Sounds yummy. How much dry pasta did you cook?

  6. I cooked a very small amount, probably 1'4 of the package.
