
Friday, October 29, 2010

Spiritual Refreshment

Spending time outdoors, in natural settings, is so so important to me. It is where I can really connect with my soul and realize and appreciate the beauty of life. When I walk through the woods or lay on the beach, I quiet down listen to the sounds of mother nature, and let go. I think about all of the important things in life, which aren't streaming in through my blackberry, and thank God that I am alive with so much love around me.

One of Brian and my favorite things to do in the fall is hike. It is of course, too chilly for the beach in New England, and hiking is the next best thing. Well no, skiing, then hiking...

Here are some photos of Devil's Den in Weston, CT I took last weekend. What a nice day it was walking through the woods with my love and admiring the foliage and all the little miracles of life (sorry for being cheesy!!).
where we leave our polluted moter vehicles.

Spiritual Refreshment, I love that...

looking up and the pretty little leaves, swaying to the music of the wind...

some green I thought was cool!

Me and B, so happy to be spending our day together in peace

the sounds of the stream could put you to sleep.

the reflection is so neat, like the biggest mirror you've ever seen

pretty country homes decked our for Halloween

If you can, take time this weekend for some spiritual refreshment, you have it wherever you are in this world!


  1. Beautiful place to be refreshed! So glad that you got to get out before it gets really cold!

  2. :) hiking is good for the soul. we haven't had time to hike in a while, maybe next time we'll take a trip to Weston...

  3. Looks like my kind of day!!
    I love days spent enjoying nature:)

  4. Nothing cheesy about enjoying the moment on a nice day, in a lovely setting with the one you love. It's all good!

  5. What a perfect day. Love those pumpkins above the front door of that darling home!

  6. What a great getaway! Loved the pics:-) Wish I was there right now instead of the crazy rain.

  7. I agree about spending time outdoors with nature. You are a lucky girl to be able to have someone to share it with. Great photos.
