
Thursday, October 28, 2010

New Client Inspiration

I am thrilled to have been given the opportunity to work with a new home-owner in the decoration of her fabulous new home in Connecticut. I shouldn't say her because she has a beautiful family, but I will mostly be working with her on the decision making and coordination. She wants glam, spectacular, and electic. As she and her family have lived life as world travelers, the art and furniture collection is magnificent and I am looking forward to working with and around these existing pieces and incorporating new in the overall design.

Getting all excited I had to browse around for inspiration this morning:

I would say this foyer is pretty glam, you?

love the color of the walls here for the formal living room

and this...

Her teenage daughter is very much into the anthropologie look, I like this photo to inspire the decor in her bedroom

love this for the family room which needs to be brightened up

ahh, dining room

powder room downstairs, may be a little girly for her taste, but I love it!


  1. wow if their home ends up looking half as good as these pics, it will be one GORGEOUS home :)

  2. Congratulations and good luck with your new project.

  3. You have such a dream job! Beautiful inspiration!

  4. What a fun job...know the home will be gorgeous!

  5. Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you come up with!


  6. Quel merveilleux métier, j'aurais aimé être décoratrice d'intérieur, embellir les espaces, le home sweet home de chacun... C'est magnifique, entre gypsie et baroque, mon coeur balance...
