
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

You're Invited! #HomemakerHappyHr

I'm super excited to be hosting Wayfair's #homemakerhappyhr along with my favorite Coastal Living Magazine tonight on twitter from 8-9 p.m. EST. We'll be chatting about seaside decor and giving away $25 gift certificates to participants selected at random every ten minutes - how fun is that?!

Ever participated in a tweet chat before? To stay within the chat and make sure everyone involved sees your tweets you need to include the hashtag #HomemakerHappyHr. They move pretty fast so I like to chat using What’s nice about tweetchat is that it includes the hashtag (in our case #homemakerhappyhr) for you so you don’t have to remember to do it each time! This almost puts you in a chat room type setting.  It takes a few seconds to reload and for your tweets to show up, but you’ll be able to follow along nicely. 

Put the kiddies to bed and leave the husbands on the couch, let's chat about our favorite topic over a glass of wine on this beautiful fall Wednesday night with twitter friends, Coastal Living, and Wayfair

Remember to check in at 8 p.m. with your tweet using #homemakerhappyhr :)

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