
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Smell the Sea and Feel the Sky

As I was laying in bed last night, an idea popped into my head and I got so excited I couldn't fall asleep.  While I was on vacation, I was so enthralled with my new camera, snapping literally hundreds of photos on different beachy scenery. I couldn't wait to share them on the blog, and thought maybe I'll list some on Etsy and just see if anyone might be interested in purchasing one. I am by NO MEANS a professional in photography but I'm really growing this passion, and whenever you create anything with passion, it shows. 

I love music, too. LOVE IT. I do everything with music on in the background and love remembering cool lyrics and sharing them with people I love. 

SO I thought, why not put the lyrics on my new found art form!! 

What do you think?? Would you buy one? What do you think makes good art, worth spending say $19 on? And be honest, please!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I say do it! Things always seem to be successful when there's a passion behind it. Loved seeing your pics from Florida!


    PS Gave you a little award on Seagrass Interiors! : )
