
Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I realized I haven't posted pics from  my own abode in quite some time, so I thought this morning while I was putzing around would be a good time to take some pics.

Brian and I are currently living in the in-law suite of my parents' home in Connecticut while we save money and look for our perfect home (by the beach) which in our area can be pretty costly. We made the decision to wait until we find what's just right for us and we are very lucky to have this little pad to call home for this time.

Jack loves it because his adoring grandparents are right next door and they spoil him rotten with new treats just about every day. He knows when his grandma comes and goes and darts over across the yard for a bone - it's sweet really.

So anyways, here are a couple pics of my favorite little places and things. I just started decorating for the holidays so you'll see home festivity happening around...


I love this little Madonna and Child brought back from my time Florence - reminds me of one of my favorite artists, Della Robia

a little start...

wedding gift repurposed as a utensil holder

Soooo there you have it, it's not as chic as the homes I post on here, but it serves its purpose for now, we're happy, and one day (hopefully soon) I'll have a Shorely Chic blog-worthy abode!! 


  1. Love the oar with the simple ornaments great idea!! This is just the best time of year, I love Christmas!! Kathysue

  2. Thanks for the tour. Love the oars too!! I should mount mine too!

  3. Love it! I love the neutrals with pops of blue!

  4. It is so beachy and cute. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Your little abode is gorgeous...

  6. I love the photo IN the first photo. Did you take that and where was it?

  7. i love how you "showcase" the Kitchen Aid Mixer! i love mine too!

  8. What a cute little place you have! Very Shorely Chic! xo K

  9. What a beautiful place to hang your seashells for a while!!! Love seeing your holiday decor infused with your love of the sea!

    Happy December, Liz!
    xo Elizabeth

  10. I love it all, so cute. I'm quite jealous though, I want to live with my parents again. :)
