
Friday, May 6, 2011

The Big News!

I am ecstatic beyond belief to announce the big news to you all this morning! For a few years now I have been chipping away at this idea turned into passion of mine, the big umbrella that is Shorely Chic. I started making seashell covered frames and other home decor items and sharing them with the world on Etsy and at trunk shows. Alongside my entrepreneurial venture, I kept a blog, facebook page and twitter account to document what it was like as a young woman to get up and follow her passion, as well as a place to share all that inspires me.  Through all this, I met so many wonderful people and have formed many lasting friendships with people in the design industry and beyond.

I had always known that what I wanted to do was interior design, and through my blog where I "showed off" my eye and sense of style, people started hiring me to decorate their own homes and I  decided to start pushing in that direction. Then the school came where I learned to draw like a professional, and I will continue taking classes here and there when the time allows because there is always room for more education.

Now for the news, one person who I met along 'Shorely Chic Way', Megan Dey, owner of Megan Dey Photography, has a wonderful space in downtown Darien, CT that is just a little bit too big for her needs.  About a year ago, we had spoken about sharing the space. I would take the cute little living room style portion in the front, and start running my design business and showcase my home decor items from there, instead of my own home. Last year I wasn't ready...this year I AM!!

I will be opening up a design studio on 975 Boston Post Road, Darien CT 06820 and will open the space for retail on a schedule that is TBD starting June 1st!! Now all my items will be on display for customers to shop, and I will be able to showcase my design services in a much more convenient way, in person!

I am thrilled beyond belief with this next step, and it just feels so right. It's a natural progression with little risk and force involved, and what better time to take a leap like this than now. I have heard so many times that you never get anywhere if you don't take a risk, make a move, take that next step out of your comfort zone and go for it. Lucky for me, Megan and I are great friends, and the opportunity leaves me with nothing but comfort and excitement.

I can't wait to meet you all in my new space, and please, let me know if there is anything I can help you with :)


  1. Congrats Liz!! How exciting! I share the same goal to have my own little office/retail space one day, so I can't wait to see how it all unfolds for you! Best of luck!

    ~ Tracy

  2. Congratulations! Such exciting news.

  3. Congratulations on following your dreams..
    and MAKING them become reality!!!
    so happy for you..
    can't wait to see the GRAND OPENING of the REAL store!!
    warmest sandy hugs..

  4. Congratulations on that!! I am so glad you are following your passion. I have always been a believer if follow what you love the doors will open you just have to walk through.

  5. Congrats! What a wonderful accomplishment :)

  6. Congratulations!! As a native of Darien, I will be sure to stop in next time I am home. I would love to meet you and see the new set up! Darien could certainly use a fabulous shop like yours! Gone are the days of all the great shopping in town. I will spread the word to all my Darien friends and family. Best of luck!

  7. Congrats Liz! This is a huge accomplishment! Give me a landmark, is it before the railroad Station or after? Always follow your dreams and passion!

  8. How fabulous! Congrats! And lucky for me, I can visit you and your new digs this summer...and I will too!:)

  9. Congratulations and good luck.

  10. Congrats Liz, this is awesome! May your new space be a continuing venture on your already successful design path :) Huge Congrats!

  11. Congrats! I will definitely be stopping in when I'm visiting my family nearby this summer!

  12. wonderful news! wishing you every happiness and loads of success! donna

  13. This is awesome. I am so happy for you...and I wish you much success which I am certain you will have!!!! One of these days I will drop by for a shopping visit!

  14. I am very happy for you! And if I lived on the east coast I would come by to see you. I wish you the best! enjoy.

  15. Great news! What an exciting development! Cant wait to see studio photos!

  16. Congrats...that's so exciting! I have been to Darien once and it was so adorable! Happy Friday! xx

  17. So exciting Liz! Congrats! This is also exactly what I needed to see as I ponder my next step as well!

  18. Liz,
    I am truly happy for you! I am a big fan of seeing people pursue their passions...way to go! I know what it is like to walk away from secure work and follow a dream, that is exactly what I did! I will visit your new store once you're ready for business! Good luck and don't forget to frame your first dollar!

  19. Liz - congratulations!! I'm so exciting for you. Let me know when you are up and running and I will definitely stop by!!!

  20. Oops - I should have proofread - that was of course - I'm so excited for you - which I am!!

  21. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments, your excitement and sweet words encourage me more than you can imagine!! Xoxo

  22. Hi and Congrats!

    One of my hubby's family homes is in Fairfield, CT, so I'm famiiar with Boston Post Road!!! :o) Best Wishes!


  23. A bit late to the party but big congratulations!! You must be so thrilled! I look forward to hearing all about your new venture :)
    xo K

  24. Golly gosh congratulations that is fantastic news! You will be marvellous and if I am ever in CT again I will definitely find our lovely shop.
    I really can understand why you are over the moon with joy, it is my dream to one day have a bakery cafe.

  25. Congrats my friend! Sooo excited for you. Can't wait to hear more...and see!

  26. Many congratulations and success to you!

  27. Congratulations! I love hearing about women making the leap to fully enter this field we're all so passionate about. I hope I can walk the plank one day myself!

  28. Liz that's amazing!! I work at 694 post rd, so I will be there on my lunch breaks to check it out! What an amazing year for you!! Congrats!
