
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shop for Japan!

Hello my lovelies! I'm sorry my posts have been so sporadic lately, life has sort of taken me for a really fast ride these past few weeks, all good things though so no need to worry! Lots of new design work coming in which I am loving, a few new e-design projects and working on decorating a few local homes as well! We've got the puppy and a wedding coming up, and I'm going to grad school for design so it's just a lot, but this blog is how I got started and you are all sooo important to me so please know that although it is definitely a priority, these other things can sometimes take over!

I wanted to share this awesome opportunity to dontate to Japan. My friend Suzanne Somersall, the designer I work with bringing jewelry to Shorely Chic is donating 20% of all sales to relief efforts in Japan. Suzanne actually lives in Japan with her husband Brian who is in the Marines. I invite you to peruse her gorgeous jewels in my shop and know that part of your purchases will be helping Japan!

Happy Shopping :)


  1. thanks for sharing! i have been shopping a bit too much lately, but i'll try and check it out! also-- i tried to check out your shop on etsy, but couldn't quite find it. could you give me the direct link?

  2. Me again! I was given the Stylish Blogger Award with directions to award 5 other bloggers-- I pick you! Check out my post today for more info!

  3. Great post. I'm headed over after I comment on your sweet blog. This is a great, giving idea.
    New to your blog. Love.
    I'll be back...oh and I'm a new follower.
    Off to shop, now.
    Thanks for the link.
