
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Artist Alison Wickey

I LOVE having the Shorey Chic facebook page. The members are all so eager to post their favorite "Shorely Chic" artists, shops, ideas, design questions, etc... It's just such a great platform for creative exchange, and the best part is that everyone is so passionate about interior design and of course, the beach!

One "liker" of Shorely Chic has become a great "online friend" (online for now Allison, hopefully soon an IRL {in real life} friend!) after realizing we had so much in common. She posted the work of her favorite artist Allison Wickey, an incredible artist from Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, and I immediately fell in love. 

I contacted Allison and he agreed to an interview and showcase of her work right here on the blog. 

How would you describe your style as a painter?

My painting style is definitely impressionistic. I love the idea of painting loosely and leaving the colors of the piece to convey the feel of the subject matter rather than the form.

How would you describe your market/customer?

My clients are looking for something that moves them emotionally and they are looking for something 'different'. I love when someone connects with a piece and I will do what I can to work with them to ensure the piece is theirs. I know how I feel when I see a piece of art that grabs me and if my work has that effect on someone, I want them to walk away with it.

When did your career as an artist begin?

I was a faux finish and mural artist for 7 years in st. louis, starting in 2000. In 2007 we moved to santa rosa beach, i switched gears and began working with plaster on wood.

What inspires you most?

colors inspire me the most and around here we see new colors daily in the gulf and the sky. Emotion also evokes a lot of colors for me and its always interesting to paint emotions......

Where and when do you paint?

I paint at the World Six Studio/Gallery in Rosemary Beach. It is an eclectic gallery owned by Anne Hunter - full of my art and jewelry by local artisans, my studio is in the back and visible from the gallery. I paint 4-5 days a week from about 12-4 pm.

Do you have any suggestions for people who want to spend more time painting? 

EXPERIMENT! draw outside the lines! just grab some paint and use your hands and trowels and brushes, dont follow the rules, follow and trust your instincts.

What are you favorite pieces in store now, or which is your favorite sold item?

My favorite piece in the gallery right now is a 48x48 white circle on white background
called 'My Muse'. I love it and I hope it goes to someone that really 'gets it'! all of my favorite pieces have been 'abstractish' and very simple with only one or two colors.


Visit Allison Website for more!


  1. A lover of the beach myself, I'm off to check out Allison's website! Thanks for the introduction. I truly enjoy "meeting" new artists on blogs!

  2. Ahhhh, Liz you are the best! I can't wait to meet someday. Allison has an amazing gift and I was happy to share her with you. Thank you so much for supporting her.

  3. These are so beautiful. I love all of these paintings and those rooms are so beautiful.
