
Monday, November 8, 2010

A Chic Shack

When I think about the home Brian and I will buy, a part of me really wants a tiny little bungalow in need of repair that I can re-do to my heart's content in Shorely Chic fashion. When most people look for houses, they probably look for the ones that need minimal work and are pleasing to the eye. I look for just the opposite. My logic, as I stated before, comes from the desire to make a house a home that I have complete design control over. I don't want to live in a home that someone else designed for them, I want to design from the ground up, for just us and our future family.

I found this home in my favorite town of Fairfield, CT while browsing the real estate listings and thought, how perfect if I just had the time and cash flow right now...

it's also right by the beach...

I dream of how I could turn it into something like this...

The house above belongs to the ever-so-talented Fabulous Fifi

Anyone up for a fun project with me?


  1. This is how I felt when we were looking for our beach house. I wanted something we could fix up and make our own. It turned out to be really complicated, as banks don't like to give loans for fixer uppers. It helped that I'm an interior designer, and this type of project management is what I do, but they still required I bring on my GC, and he had to go through a credit/ background check, etc. Ultimately, we got the loan (this process took about four months, as we needed construction drawings, renderings, engineering drawings, multiple bids, etc.). Renovation loans come at a higher interest rate, so now we are racing to finish the remodel so we can refinance before interest rates start climbing again....

  2. We opted for a 1920's home that appeared to not need much had a solid foundation etc. instead of the 1890's one that had some beautiful updating done to it and was a bit more $. In hindsight the older home was the better value, would have been easier to change and more.

  3. You so have to buy that house!! I adore it. I totally get your logic. We did exactly the same thing. I couldn't handle houses where people had ripped out all of the original character and "modernised" with bad taste. Consequently though, we haven't had the $ to do too much to our original, fibro, beach shack but we have painted it Berkshire white, ripped up the carpets and polished her floorboards and I adore her just the way she is... You don't need much. Life was simple when these houses were built so why not try and live that way now. Good luck. Keep us posted OK. Pruxxx

  4. Love this house but no doubt whichever home you decorate it will be gorgeous.
    My favorite photo is the one with lots of crosses above the fireplace. Very cool display.

  5. I absolutely understand what you are saying about making a house a home for you and your future family. When we bought our primary home, everyone said "wow, it's a turn-key house"...well, I turned it upside down room by room to make it ours. Our beach home was in need of love, lots of it...the structural bones were great, but the cosmetic features were horrible...I sunk my teeth into that project with great joy and frustration too! Keep searching!

  6. Love your inspiration pics, so I can only imagine how great your new home will be! Btw, having a giveaway on my blog, so pop on over, I'd love to enter you into the draw! K xx

  7. Hello
    Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog today.....
    I just love your blog. I also love this post. That is Fifi O'Neil's home. I fell in love with her home when it was featured in Coastal Living a number of years ago. I still have the magazine.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Take Care,
    p.s. I will be sure and add your beautiful blog to my blog roll.

  8. great idea! wouldn't it be nice to transform a little shack! don't give up the dream! ;) love your blog by the way!

  9. Awww... You can do it, whatever the project is. I've learned that from Fifi. She's the best! I think her home has touched all of our hearts, just as she has too.
    Nice blog!

  10. Anything you buy will have your touch throughout! I have to say, I've already "redone" 4 homes since I've been married....and am embarking on a removation next year. What am I thinking?! :)
