
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Smitten with Social Media...and Life!

I am smitten with social media for the opportunities I have been given like attending the Nate Berkus show with hundreds of other design enthusiasts on Tuesday and being able to attend and participate in What's New What's Next at the New York Design Center yesterday. You see, everyday I try and write a blog post and go through and read the posts of my favorites, and I have become to know these people in a weird way - I know not so much about their personal life, well some, but I know about their passion for design and we have that very special thing in common which bonds us in this weird online way. I also tweet with the people all day long on my blackberry. Whenever something cool happens with Shorely Chic I literally can't wait to tweet about it and post it in a blog, just like this...

This week, I met with all of these people face to face and boy did we have a G.O.T. (grand old time) - did I just mimic the Jersey Shore? yes...I did...shame on me!!

here we are at breakfast before heading to Nate! from left to right: May from Snug Furniture, me; Jessica from The Entertaining House; Catherine from Avery Design Interiors; Marcy from Irwin Feld Design; Marcy from pine creek cottage; and Jonathan from jonathanlegate - woosh!!!
me and Chassity from looklingerlove
all of the fabulous and stylish people waiting in line to get into Nate!
I love you Nate for the Q&A you did after the show <3
he is so yummy

Marcy, Catherine and I chatting it up at the after-party hosted by the lovely ladies of The Nest and Camila of High Heel Foot in the Door!
so much fun, and I'm so inspired after these two days I could burst!!


  1. Yey! Looked like so much fun! Your outfit was so cute! Gld you're inspired and had a great time!

  2. I was so glad to have met you in the "green room" before the show. I didn't realize that we are practically neighbors! The blog world can be so small at times. We will have to get together to chat about about shared passion - design! What a fun couple of days you've had. I wanted to make it to the NYDC event but was babysitterless. :::pout::: hope it was great.

  3. Congratulations on participating in such a fabulous event through social media! Bloggers are noticed!

  4. glad it was so much fun, you looked adorable!

  5. This looked soooo fun!! Thanks for the peak inside your day...

  6. Looks like the 2nd time around was a smashing time! Love your sweater and belt, so cute!! XO, Kelly

  7. I feel the same way after last week...ready to burst with inspiration, motivation...I am ready to conquer the world!

    xo Jade
