
Friday, September 3, 2010

Enjoy Labor Day

As I sign off from everything 'work' to enjoy the labor day weekend, I'd like to say thank you to all my amazing readers for your inspring and thoughtful comments on my last post, 'ME'. I've never received so many sweet and motivating words from such amazing and inspiring women! I am so blessed :)

Also, have a very happy labor day weekend filled with all things non-work. I encourage all of you to limit the use of blackberries, iphones, and lap tops (I sound like a retreat leader or something), and enjoy quiet, family, and friends.

I will be spending the weekend with my love in Naples, Fl to celebrate our three year anniversary! We met this Friday night three years ago and after a dinner date the following night and a dance party with just us in his driveway to the Beach Boys, we both knew we had just found something very special. Love you, Bri and can't wait for this weekend!


  1. Love Naples...and love the image of you dancing in the driveway! Happy Anniversary!!!

  2. Have a wonderful weekend!! Just found your blog and have just spent the past 20 mins browsing!! Love it. It's fun to meet another CT blogger!!!

  3. Hi. I just found your blog and think it is beautiful. Happy anniversary. Really enjoyed what you wrote a few days back about finding the courage to follow your heart with regard to your work. I always like finding fellow CT bloggers!
