
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What's On Your Coffee Table?

So I woke up this morning and thought my coffee table looked pretty cute - I tidied up a bit and snapped some photos looking forward to sharing them with you all. I started looking around the internet, and as usual, once seeing all these gorgeous coffee table photos, well mine definitely took a back seat. But hey, it's real and the photo was taken on a Tuesday morning and the whole thing probably cost me $50.00 - table, accessories and all, so the comparison isn't quite fair!

I bought my table at a tag sale this summer for $25 - I liked the fact that it was a little beat up and it looked "beachy" to me so I picked it up and threw it in the back seat of my Jetta. I bought the tray from Goodwill I believe and planned on decorating the sides with shells but that never happened. I had the silver bowl/vase from a while back and the faux peonies are from Michaels Craft Store. I am currently selling this Rose Damask candle and it smells so delicious, even when not lit. I made the coasters, and the magazines are always there!

table is off-center. darn...
After looking at these photos, I think I may want to make a little change...move the tray to one side and place a stack of chic books next to it. What do you think?

Here are some beautiful coffee tables I found surfing around:

I really like the mirror and may try this on my new line of trays coming out! shh...

a beauty, but $650!! no thanks...

What's on your coffee table?


  1. I really like your table and set up. I think its perfect! You'll always like what someone else has more ;)

  2. I love the way your coffee table is arranged! Mine is in sore need of something pretty :) Right now there's a sippy cup, an unfinished craft project and a can of spray adhesive adorning it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Day-to-day rubbish and clutter is on my coffee table, wish it was as nice and ordered as yours!

  4. Don't you just love Diptyque?!?! My fave is Baies. Yum.

    I have 2 square stools/tables serving as ours for the family room. It's got...actually, you know what? I need to just take a photo! I need help with styling, anyway!! I'll post, maybe you'll comment?

  5. Hi!
    Love your blog and your posts! Very nice to have a look here and get inspriations.
    My new coffeetable is ordered for 6 weeks and it does not come... very sad about this, but will show you, if he arrives;-)))
    I'm looking forward to your posts
    Greetings from Germany

  6. Ooh...they're all so pretty!
    I love your set up too but do agree with having some books next too your tray:)

  7. We don't have a coffee table. We prefer the space in front of our sofa to be open. Is that weird?

    I like yours- practical and pretty!

  8. We don't have a coffee table, but rather an ottoman that doubles as a coffee table, a place for people to sit, a place to prop up one's feet and a place to display some books. I love all the images you featured. The lucite tray is amazing!
