
Monday, October 12, 2009

New York Shopping, New Items, Family, and Fun :)

Happy Monday! I really want to write more but as usual, "I have no time, blah blah blah...", yuck.  This past week was a fantastic one! I had lots of sales, was featured in two more treasuries, got into New York on a work day - woohoo!, saw lots of friends, Brian and I had my parents over our apartment, which we've been meaning to do, and I'm just really enjoying this fall weather :)

I've been trying to focus on the planning and production of Shorely Chic, making things, mostly my papered and shell frames, and continuing to collect new and fabulous vintage items. I have my first craft fair coming up in November, the second one in Chappequa, NY the following weekend, and my launch party the next weekend at my parent's home in Stamford, CT - any readers in the area?? I'd love to have you :) I'm thinking of having about 40-60 people, family, friends, and co-workers of mine and my mother's, champagne, wine, yummy hor d'oeuvres, and pretty "Beachy-Keen" cupcakes made my friends at Batter Up Cupcakes!  I will definitely be looking to for help with that :)

I've uploaded some fun photos of my week:

my favorite, Bryant Park :)

the zillions of fabrics at Mood Fabrics and other stores in the garment district (upper 30's in between 7th and 8th avenues)

Hands-down the best latte and French pastries in the city at Balthazar

I was bored in the longest cab-ride of my life due to traffic

A really delicious pizza from Mario Batali's Otto in the West Village

This is me and my mom in my apartment

me and dad :)

just an awesome guy on I-95 driving a vintage purple cadilac, a purple sweater, and purple-rimmed glasses - AMAZING

me, pathetic at golf but trying!

new orange carnival glass vintage bowl

I love carnival glass - it is so vintage-y looking and unique. So pretty for Halloween!

Vintage Metal Dove Mail Holder

So, that was my week in review. I hope to update sooner than next Monday, but if it doesn't happen, I hope you all have an awesome week!


  1. great pics and thanks for sharing! Your apartment looks GREAT- wish I had your decorating sense. I love the colorful pillow behind you in the pic with your mom :) I love your shop, too! Good luck in your new venture!

  2. such cute pics! i am dying to go to NY someday. thanks for taking us along.

  3. Loving the updates :) WHEN is this launch party and how come I have not heard?!

    L you!

  4. love the photos, your apartment is lovely! Thanks for sharing your busy week!'re tagged(if you have the time)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. just found your blog- it's great! so is the guy driving down the interstate in the purple. he rocks!
