
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Papered Frames and U2

Hi Everyone!

I went to see U2 at Giants Stadium last night and it was incredible!! I felt like I was at the center of the world listening to the greatest rock band belt out decades worth of hits.  We were also upgraded to "U2 seating" at the beginning of the show because our tickets were directly behind the sound booth...who knew the bad tickets would turn into the some of the best seats I've ever had :)

Here are some pics from the show:

Beautiful night for a concert, going over the George Washington Bridge!

me, my bff lauren, and her boyfriend. Notice no one sitting around us?? That's before we realized we were sitting in "no man's land"...

Bono :)

Papered Frames

I just wanted to share one of my favorite products, designer paper picture frames. They are so simple to make and end up looking so finished and pretty. They are all on my Etsy Shop,

Which is your favorite??

Ooops! You can totally see my reflection in that one! I am really working on my photography, but that's just bad - sorry about that! :(

Aren't they pretty? I price the frames at $15.00 and the shell adorned ones at $20.00.

I hope you like!

I'm off to bed, it was a late night and early morning for moi.

Enjoy your night!


  1. Bono is my hero, you lucky girl! The best band ever.

    Enjoy those memories!

  2. Your reflection in the photo is no big deal, don't feel bad :) At least you weren't naked... ha!!

  3. Those frames are very cool! I love the one with the skinny starfish. I think your blog is very nice and cool that you got to go to the game and see U2! I am jealous....

  4. I love the top frame! Gorgeous!! Thanks for adding my button!

  5. Just read through your blog a bit..., wish you all the best with your goals! I used to live in Westport and loved to go to Compo beach. Like you I love the seasons, but not the cold winters here in New England..., a bit of a conflict there! I'm thinking maybe Charleston area for the future.

    Love your frames!
